May ways or events can be done to prevent or reduce air polution depends on the purpose of the related event, such as: planting tree, environment cleaning and saving electrical or oil resources.
In order to successing this event to prevent air polution, the participation from automotive industry are very important. Therefore within the science, technology and mobility rapidly grow, men will keep on trying to developed and inventing tools to provide their needs.
As part of this in 2019 Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI) held Energy Saving Car Competition / Kompetesi Mobil Hemat Energi 2019 (KMHE) on 24-28 September 2019. The purpose of this event is to inspirong students and young scientist in technical science to develop new innovation of sustainable mobility and fuel efficiency for future generation. This event gathered more than 80 participant from 40 universities in Indonesia.
One of the participant that consistently maintain their quality is Batavia Team UNJ (Universitas Negeri Jakarta). They already participated in this event for 6 times since 2014 and gain 2 times champion title in 2016 and 2019. This year they got 1st place in Electric Battery Prototype category with result 258 km/h and 3rd place in Gasoline Prototype Category with result 154 km/h.
List of TDR One Team Products that used to support Batavia Team: ApiTech ECU, TDR High Performance Lithium Battery, Koso Mini, Koso Thermometer Super Slim, Voltmeter Koso Super Slim, High Performance Clutch Plate TDR Ceramic, TDR Spark Plug Twin Iridium 085RT, tdr Forging Oil Pump Kit, and Rcing Clutch Spring Set TDR.